Media gambles White House on Trump taxes

Where’s the beef? Make that Trump’s taxes?

Will the mainstream media force Donald Trump into releasing his taxes before the election? Not likely. Journalists seem to be focused elsewhere and without a serious effort, Trump appears to have no inclination to release anything derogatory, much less years of tax returns that likely will highlight business ineptitude, ethical lapses and shady dealings with bad actors in Russia.

Call Trump’s bluff

Silhouette of Donald Trump appearing in smoke and blue light on first night of RNC in Cleveland
Donald Trump enters RNC stage

One way to know for certain when the media is under performing is to apply a test, a test that is one-question simple. When confronted by obstruction, does media stop at the first obstacle?

Regrettably, in the case of Donald Trump’s tax non-disclosures, the media has failed miserably by accepting Trump’s excuse that he is under an IRS audit, and therefore, cannot disclose tax documents. At least media has determined this not to be a valid excuse; there is no such rule. But why stop there?

Do we even know for certain that Trump is under an IRS audit? Demand to see proof. There’s more than a good chance that any audit would not cover the entire Trump enterprise; therefore, much should be disclosable even under Trump criteria.

Media sorely needs to act. Call Trump’s bluff. Accept no excuses.

Trick tax question

Maybe some enterprising journalist will dare to ask Trump details about his tax cutting proposal with a question like, “(Mr. Billionaire) what amount will you save from your tax cut proposal?” Don’t answer, Donald, it’s a trick! If we learn how many $zillion-millions you’ll get back, then we’ll know how much you’re really worth and truthfully, it might not be the $10 billion you profess.

But suppose Trump is worth $10 billion, would a huge tax cut keep $1 billion in Trump’s golden coffers? Nobody knows how much the Trumpster will benefit as president and we’re only talking about taxes here, not other Oval Office manipulations.

Trump’s misery tax and corruption

Sadly it’s easy to imagine a President Trump ordaining a law that benefits him with a billion bucks while the rest of us with a few hundred bucks on average. But won’t we have to make up the shortfall by paying more taxes in the form of fees and loss of services? We could end up with more potholes that Trump can just fly over, not to mention less healthcare for kids, food for babies, protections for consumers… and a weaker military (something even conservatives care about).

Donald Trump’s tax plan sounds like a recipe for misery. It also sounds corrupt and like a rigged system.

And what will Donald do with another billion anyway? Buy another golf course in Scotland? That’s not going to help our economy.

Gambling on another email scandal in the White House?

Oh fair mainstream media, I beseech you to hold the Donald accountable, now, for what wretchedness he might cause. Time is running short.

So far you have done such a profoundly good job to diminish Hillary Clinton’s stature that should she be elected, email might be banished totally from the White House. Oh the horror!

On the contrary, Trump will run the U.S. economy and his family business from the White House, along with the kids as his closest advisors. Let’s hope they don’t run the U.S. like an Atlantic City casino.

~ Jeff

Jeff Washington is Washington Underground

Twitter: Follow Jeff @WashingtonUG


2 words frame a bearded glasses wearing Jeff Washington: Washington Underground
…… Jeff

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Jeff Washington

Writer-Producer-Creator... AND snarky critic

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