Change election brings chaos

Political analysts said 2016 was a change election year. Whew, we’re they right. Republican partisans predicted angry masses with torches and pitchforks would clean out the White House. Not so much. Now it seems filled with swamp gunk… but time for a look back at what happened in 2016 and a few clues about why.

Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee Chair proclaimed, “There is a change electorate in our party and there is a change electorate in the Democrat (sic) Party.

All stop to note Republican slander

Of course Priebus knows there is no such thing as a “Democrat” Party. Democratic Party is the correct name but slandering your opponent and name-calling is as natural as breathing to Reince and Republans (couldn’t resist). Republicans are just mean, pure meanism.

Back to Republican change election propaganda

Priebus then bragged about the Republican Party candidate. “They didn’t choose the change candidate and we did.”

I don’t know about you but the first woman President certainly would signal change as did the first Hawaiian President.  Reince must be focused on color and touting Trump as the first orange President?

And the end of Republicans?

Donald Trump edited to add red clown nose and big black-rimmed glasses
Satirical Donald Trump sports clown nose

If 2016 is a change election, then Republicans might have a big problem. A huge chunk of Republicans don’t like their change candidate. Donald Trump seems more interested in chaos than party unity or loyalty and the Republican Party faces a real crisis:

  • Many Republican Party leaders refuse to endorse Trump, their standard bearer.
  • Many leaders skipped the Republican National Convention in Cleveland.
  • Prominent donors are sitting on the sidelines.
  • Senior aides are opting out and some are signing up with the enemy (read devil if you’re still a Republican).
  • The Trump campaign has been described as in dissention and imploding.
  • Republican stalwarts are on the verge of flight.

A parlor game has developed about who will leave next? What will send them off the edge? Will Trump’s trusted advisors conduct an intervention? So much for party unity.

Ugly campaign changes election norms

The core of Trump’s coalition pits white supremacists and “the poorly educated” supporters against most of the rest of America. The balance of Trump supporters appear to be Republicans who want their country back, make that, want their party back!

The political landscape has changed drastically in this country and astounds experienced observers. For a good gage of drastic change, read Meg Whitman’s exit statement.

Trump running for demagogue in chief

Meg Whitman, Hewlett-Packard Executive and Republican fund-raiser did more than defect. She crossed over to team up with Hillary and promised more than her vote. Whitman signed up for fundraising.

Whitman declared, “As a proud Republican, casting my vote for President has usually been a simple matter. This year is different. To vote Republican out of party loyalty alone would be to endorse a candidacy that I believe has exploited anger, grievance, xenophobia and racial division. Donald Trump’s demagoguery has undermined the fabric of our national character.” …

“Therefore, I have decided to support Hillary Rodham Clinton. It is clear to me that Secretary Clinton’s temperament, global experience and commitment to American’s bedrock national values make her the far better choice in 2016 for President of the United States.”

“In a tumultuous world, America needs the kind of stable and aspirational leadership Secretary Clinton can provide. I urge all Republicans to reject Donald Trump this November.”

More change year problems for Republicans

Priebus may be correct about change but the last time I looked, Democrats were more popular than Republicans. Polls don’t lie (when the leads are double digits). President Obama is five times more popular than Republican legislators. The Democratic Party is more popular than the Republican Party. And – news flash – Hillary Clinton is more popular than Donald Trump!

Political analysts tell us 2016 is a change election. Well, there’s a good chance that the torches and pitchforks will show up at the Capitol instead of the White House.

~ Jeff

Jeff Washington is Washington Underground

Twitter: Follow Jeff @WashingtonUG


2 words frame a bearded glasses wearing Jeff Washington: Washington Underground
…… Jeff

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More change election opinion, satire and data can be found in the Oppo-bits, Wingnuttya and Propagandaville categories.

Jeff Washington

Writer-Producer-Creator... AND snarky critic

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